Enrol to Open UAS summer studies!

Publication of Diak’s Open UAS summer studies has begun. Enrolment times begin in stages with the last beginning on 6.4.2020. Diak’s Open UAS summer studies are for the most part online implementations, but they can include contact teaching by remote methods.
Please note! From Aprli 2020 onwards our Open UAS studies are Paytrail-payment only, if not otherwise specified in the course information. The enrolment fee will be paid on enrollment, if you receive a place in the studies selected. If your placed in queue, the enrollment fee will be paid only after you receive a cancellation place in your chosen studies.
Take a look at the studies on offer and enroll on https://hakija.diak.fi. You can search for summer studies by choosing Open UAS, study units as your target group and using “kesä2020” as your search term.