3IN Alliance collaboration continues despite the refusal of funding

In July, the European Commission unveiled the additional 24 European Universities that will join the first alliances of higher education institutions selected already in 2019.
Despite the refusal of Erasmus+ European Universities Initiative funding, the 3IN Alliance will continue pooling joint education and research resources to address big societal challenges towards a world where no one is left behind.
Next steps of collaboration
The 3IN Alliance takes an inclusive and integrative perspective on developing different forms of mobility for both students and staff. The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the digital collaboration and the development of virtual mobility. In this semester,
3IN Alliance students can already access the online courses of member HEIs. The education collaboration will be deepened with the different forms of online collaboration that will be integrated in member HEIs existing courses.
The series of joint webinars were introduced in the spring 2020 and the new webinar will be organized in October 2020.
Collaboration in research, development and innovation will be further strengthened by pooling resources to address the higher education’s accessibility for special need groups as well as on the ecological and digital solutions.
Alternative funding instruments
3IN Alliance members will continue to develop the teaching, as well as research, development and innovation (RDI) collaboration, although the timeline for the concrete actions will be at least partly rescheduled due to lack of external funding.
Alternative funding instruments will be examined, and the new Erasmus programme may also give us possibilities in the future.
All 3IN member universities share a strong commitment to human dignity, social justice, and diversity, and we base our long-term vision of sustainable wellbeing economies for Europe on these values also in the future.