Diak recommends downloading contact tracing app Koronavilkku

Koronavilkku is a contact tracing app produced by the Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) to help you find out whether you may have been exposed to coronavirus. If you have a coronavirus test and are diagnosed as infected, you can use the app to share this anonymously with those you have been in close contact with. Your privacy is strongly protected.
At Diak we are preventing the spreading of corona virus in many ways.
– We are offering more lessons online and we are paying extra attention to the safety of our campuses. We also recommend using face masks at our campuses, says CEO and Rector Mr. Tapio Kujala.
Cotemporally, more measures are needed.
– Until now, we do not have information that anyone in our community would have had COVID-19, but other higher education institutions already had some cases. That is why we strongly recommend that our students and staff take the Koronavilkku app into use, Kujala continues.
Download Koronavilkku app to your phone on App Store or Play Store. More information on the app at koronavilkku.fi. If you have questions about corona virus situation in Diak, please contact corona@diak.fi.