FSHS is responsible for student health care services as of 1. January 2021: remember to pay the healthcare fee!

You can use local services at 50 FSHS service units and a wide range of online services depending on your situation and needs. Find the nearest unit on FSHS website.
Students in universities of applied sciences and universities who are entitled to use the services of the FSHS must pay a healthcare fee to Kela.
Healthcare for students in higher education is financed mainly by the state (77 %), while the remaining 23 % is paid for by students. From 1 January 2021, students will pay a healthcare fee to Kela twice per year to access FSHS services.
The healthcare fee must be paid on your own initiative
Students must pay the healthcare fee to Kela first time in spring term 2021.
In 2021, the student healthcare fee in higher education will be EUR 35.80 per term. The fee is paid to Kela once per term, i.e. twice a year. Students are not billed for the fee but are expected to pay it unprompted. You can pay the fee already now.
The due date of payment is determined based on the date on which the student has registered as attending. For the spring term, the healthcare fee must be paid by 31 January at the latest, provided the student has registered as attending by then.
The healthcare fee can be paid via Kela’s e-service or as a bank transfer. Instructions for payment of the healthcare fee are available on Kela’s website.
Read more on the healthcare fee at Kela website or FSHS website.
More information on FSHS services and Kela’s healthcare fee:
- yths2021.fi
- Kela
- Tuudo news section, FSHS’ (in Finnish YTHS) own news feed.