Distance teaching continues until the end of spring semester in Diak

In practice this means that Diak’s teaching continues in the same way as during the past few months. All teaching that can be carried out as distance learning, will be online. Only essential contact teaching and exams are organised at campuses, such as skill workshops and simulations of nursing and health care studies as well as some teaching of interpreting.
Studies of groups that have started in January 2021 will also be carried out online – only a few meetups will take place at campuses as planned and informed earlier.
The possible changes to schedules of March-June will appear in schedules (Lukkari) during the next few weeks.
Exams are organised mainly online
These exams are arranged at campus:
- medication mathematics
- medication administration, if mathematics is included
- standardized national professional nursing competency examination for generalist registered nursing students
- RPL tests
- interpreting studies: teacher will inform students on how the exams are organised.
Face masks are worn at exams. If you are part of risk group and cannot wear a mask due to health reasons, let us know about it when registering to an exam. We will then reserve an extra space, where the exam can be made without wearing a mask.
Read more about online exams on the website of General exams and undelivered assignments.
Personal protective equipment added in contact teaching
In health care and interpreting studies there is some teaching that must be carried out as contact teaching at campus. In situations where the adequate distances cannot be kept, personal protective equipment will be increased. For example, hand hygiene will be paid attention and more effective face masks will be available. Teachers will guide students who must attend this kind of lectures more closely on this topic.
Support for health and wellbeing during the pandemic
Do remember that in the lectures of study guidance counsellor and responsible teachers you can bring up the needs related to health and wellbeing. Please speak up if you need help!
Remember that Diak has a variety of support and well-being services.
Health care services are provided by FSHS as of 1 January 2021. Please find more information and contact details on FSHS website.
More information
Please follow Diak’s corona situation website: diak.fi/en/corona-situation-in-diak
If you have questions, please contact the task force by email: corona@diak.fi