Rector’s greeting in the beginning of a new study year

“I wish you a good start for the new study year! My name is Elina Juntunen and I am the rector of Diak.
I hope that you had a nice and invigorating summer. At this point, as the summer is turning into autumn, each one of us might go through various feelings and emotions. On one hand, saying goodbye to summer can be melancholic. On the other, starting a new season is exciting with all the new possibilities.
We are still living in corona circumstances and we have take that into consideration in many ways as we start the new study year. We start the new semester strongly in distance learning. We can offer some contact studies as well.
The new students start their studies in contact teaching at campuses. We aim to offer as safe circumstances as possible. Also, simulations, skills workshops and some of interpreting studies is organized at campuses as safely as possible.
We at Diak wish that we can open contact teaching to as many students as possible during the autumn. We are ready to offer contact teaching wider as soon as it is possible, but we have to follow closely how the corona situation develops in the regions where we have campuses.
This situation is challenging, and I ask for you to be in contact with your responsible teachers, study guidance counsellors and student counsellors. Diak offers student welfare services that are there for you. Please do not be left alone. Contact us when you have questions or problems with your studies.
It is important that each one of us finds ways to connect with study community in the beginning of studies and later during the study path. I ask for all the study groups to be active in building the community. Everyone needs to get the experience of being encountered. Let’s care for each other now and in the future.
We are hopeful about the future. Increasing the vaccination coverage is the most important way to open our society. At all times it is important to stand together, to solve problems in cooperation with each other.
Have a good autumn semester!”