Actions caused by COVID-19 in Diak in the beginning of a new semester

Changes may still occur at short notice, so always check your schedule before teaching:
When moving around campuses, Diak’s safety instructions are followed: wear a face mask, take care of hand hygiene and keep safety distances. Diak offers face masks in contact teaching situations.
Action in exposure or illness situations
If you receive information about exposure or infection from health authorities or elsewhere, and you have been staying on campus recently, follow the instructions of the healthcare officials of your own municipality. If you get a positive result from a home test, apply for a test arranged by health care officials of your municipality or follow the instructions in your area regarding testing.
At the moment, testing and disease tracking are congested. Also, the practices vary in different parts of the country. If health care officials do not contact you and you cannot get to the test, stay in self-quarantine and follow the health care instructions in your area.
If you are infected with coronavirus and have recently been on campus, you can choose to inform the teacher and fellow students with whom you have been in close contact on that day.
If you are unable to participate in contact teaching due to illness or quarantine, please contact the lecturer responsible for the course. If you are a new student, contact your study guidance counsellor, whose contact information you have received by email.
Corona virus information in Diak
The latest instructions can always be found on Diak’s website Students are informed about current issues in the Tuudo and Diakle news columns.
Contact details
Feedback and questions about Diak’s coronavirus policies can be sent to Diak’s corona working group: