Career monitoring survey for 2018 graduates starts

The national career monitoring survey is running from 12 October to 12 November 2023. The survey targets alumni who graduated from universities of applied sciences in 2018.
The career monitoring survey of collects information on the employment of graduates, the overall working career and satisfaction with the working career and the degree.
The results of the survey help Diak to develop degrees so that they meet the skills needs of working life. Based on the answers, we can see how the education received from Diak has paid off in the working career and what should still be developed.
The national survey is sent yearly to those who have graduated five years ago. This year it will be sent to those graduated in 2018.
Alumni from 2018 – you will receive the survey via email and text message!
Did you graduate from Diak in 2018? You will receive the career monitoring survey in your email and via text message. CSC – Tieteen Information Technology Center Oy sends a career tracking survey by e-mail and text message. The email may go to your spam folder, so be sure to check there as well.
How to answer?
- The survey is sent directly by e-mail and text message to all those who graduated in 2018 (both Bachelor and Master Degree graduates).
- The response period for the survey is 12th October to 12th November, 2023.
- Your background information (basic information about your degree) is extracted from Virta, a national database of higher education institutions maintained by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
- Answers are treated confidentially and individual respondents cannot be identified.
You can see the results of previous years’ surveys in Vipunen, the statistics service of the Education Administration, and in the open-to-all töissä.fi online service that presents the jobs and career paths of university graduates. The survey is carried out by the universities of applied sciences together with CSC – Tieteen tietotekniikan keskus Oy. More information about the survey.
Why answer?
By answering, you are participating in the production of information that is used to improve the quality of education. By answering:
- you help applicants and current students with their career considerations
- you can help improve future education of university of applied sciences
- the career monitoring questionnaire plays an important role in the development of education and in the career guidance of students
- you support the funding of universities of applied sciences.
Did you graduate from Diak in 2018 but did not receive the survey on 12th of October, 2023? Please contact
We highly appreciate your answer!