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Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Health Care, Diaconal Nursing (in Finnish)

Graduates of the Bachelor of Health Care, Diaconal Nursing programme qualify both as a registered nurse and as a deaconess of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Finland.

The programme provides comprehensive theoretical knowledge and clinical skills for nursing practice as well as religious studies.

A deaconess carries out preventative and outreach work by assisting and supporting individuals, families, groups and communities in various life circumstances.

The health care competencies of deaconesses are valuable in church community work, for example, when working with seniors, children or people with disabilities.

As a parish worker, a deaconess works in close cooperation with health and social services and various organisations.

Deaconesses are health care professionals whose work involves holistic health promotion, helping people gain personal resources, and supporting hopefulness, independence and inclusion.

In nursing practice, a holistic view of the human condition and people’s well-being is a particular strength of deaconesses.

Extent: 240 credit points (ECTS)

We offer this programme currently in Finnish.


See the translated curriculum of the programme.

Further information on diaconal work in Finland

Did you know that, according to studies, diaconal work is one of the major reasons for maintaining membership in the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland?

According to the Finnish Church Law, a minimum of one diaconal worker must be employed at each parish.

Source: Diaconal Workers – Alongsiders or Dumpsters? (Jouko Kiiski, 2013, published by Church Research Institute)

Read the publication.