Transfer application
There will not be a transfer application to Diak’s English-taught programmes in spring 2025.
A transfer student is a student admitted to a Finnish UAS who transfers their study right to another Finnish UAS or to another study programme in their original school of admission provided there is a change to their degree title.
In order to be eligible to transfer to Diak from another UAS, students must have been registered as present at their initial UAS for at least one academic year and gained at least 55 credits per academic year (Bachelor’s Degree).
Students may apply for transfer only to work towards the same UAS degree. Students eligible for admission as transfer students must be registered as present at another UAS.
Transfer students must, in principle, be able to complete their remaining studies within the study right period. Transfer students’ right to study began when they accepted a study place at their initial UAS. Semesters of study and absence at the initial UAS will follow the transfer student to Diak.
Selection criteria
Transfer can be accepted if the following selection criteria are met:
- the applicant has a valid study right at a Finnish UAS
- the applicant has been registered as present at their initial UAS for at least one academic year and gained at least 55 credits per academic year
- there is a free spot in the degree programme
- it is possible to create a personal study plan that enables the applicant applicant to complete their remaining studies within the remaining right to study
- if required, the applicant’s learning skills, working skills and social skills are assessed by Diak
Transfer applications will not be accepted during the same semester (autumn semester 1 August – 31 December or spring semester 1 January – 31 July) when the applicant has started their studies at the original institution.
Transfer applicant should note that their study right period will not be extended and they will not be entitled for more months of student financial aid on the basis of the transfer. The start date of the study right is the date on which the student has made a binding acceptance of their place at the original institution.
Transfer applicants are treated equally based on similar selection criteria. Applicants may be ranked based on the suitability of their earlier studies and the possible learning skills, working skills and social skills assessment.
Students may apply for transfer only to work towards the same UAS degree.
Required attachments
The following documents are attached to the application form by the end of the application period.
- certificate of study issued by the current UAS with record of the student’s periods of attendance and non-attendance
- transcript of records issued by the current UAS and
- a comparison table made by the applicant in which they describe how they could apply for recognition of prior learning and credit transfer (RPL) based on their previously completed studies at the current UAS. This is done by comparing one’s completed studies to Diak’s curriculum and looking for similarities in contents, learning outcomes and scope of the modules. If the transfer is accepted, the student will apply for recognition of prior learning and credit transfer according to the RPL process.
You can find the curriculum in Diak’s curriculum guide under Education in English.
Finnish language requirement
Applicants to Bachelor of Health Care, Nursing are required to have skills in Finnish. The minimum requirement is level B1 on the Common European framework for languages.
Language skills can be demonstrated by the following documents:
- Primary and lower secondary education certificate: Finnish as a mother tongue or Finnish as a second language
- General upper secondary education certificate: Finnish as a mother tongue or Finnish as a second language
- Matriculation examination certificate: Finnish as a mother tongue or Finnish as a second language
- Vocational upper secondary qualification completed in Finnish
- International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma: Finnish: language A or B
- European Baccalaureate (EB) diploma: Finnish: L1, L2 or L3
- Reifeprüfung (RP) / Deutsche Internationale Abitur (DIA) diploma: Finnish as native language or B1-language
- National certificates of language proficiency (YKI): Finnish intermediate or advanced level (speaking and listening comprehension: assessment 3 or 4 at intermediate level; assessment 5 or 6 at advanced level).
- Civil service language proficiency certificates: Finnish satisfactory, good, or excellent skills.
Attach your document to the application form.
If you don’t have any of the documents listed above, you will be invited to a Finnish language test.
Suitability assessment
If needed, the applicant can be invited to a learning skills, working skills and social skills assessment. The invitations are sent via email.
Health and functional capacity required for studies
Applicants need to have such health and functional capacity such that they are capable of performing assignments and practical training related to their studies. Please familiarise yourself with the health and functional capacity requirements on the website.