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Upcoming events

December 2021

Alumni Glogg: Career planning and different career paths

Welcome to join us for the annual 'Alumni Glogg' event to discuss Diak’s alumni activities and network with other alumni! This time we will

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Diak 25 years: Free Christmas porridge lunch on Pieksämäki campus

Did you know that Diak turns 25 years old this year? To celebrate the occasion, we are offering our students a free christmas porridge

Diak 25 years: Free Christmas porridge lunch on Oulu campus

Did you know that Diak turns 25 years old this year? To celebrate the occasion, we are offering our students a free christmas porridge

3IN Insights Into Cross-university Teaching Collaboration

Welcome to the 3IN Insights into Cross-university Teaching Collaboration on the 14th of December at 15:00-17:00 CET via Zoom!  Sven Warnke (FHWS), Christine Myrdal Lukash (VID) and Margarita Sakilayan-Latvala (Diak) will share their experience of the successful joint online course and invite colleagues to explore further possibilities in collaborative online international learning.

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Fall 2021 graduation ceremony (online)


Graduation ceremony for graduates from fall 2021 will be held on Monday 20th December at 9 am as an online event. The ceremony will

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January 2022

Launching of the Spring 2022 Mentoring Program

Diak’s next mentoring program is starting again in the spring of 2022. As part of Diak mentoring program, alumni will have a possibility to

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March 2022

From insecurity to joy and hope to the future mass

Mass on Monday 21 March 2022 1 pm to 2 pm at Diak's chapel in Helsinki campus.

April 2022

Diaconal Life in Diversity

Webinar 8 April 2022. 12–15 EET (Finland), 11–14 CET (Norway). You are warmly welcome to listen and to share ideas about living together and

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Alumni meeting: Hope as an asset – how to maintain hope and compassion in (work)life?

Welcome to the alumni meeting, which focuses on maintaining and fostering hope both in customer work and from the perspective of your own coping.

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June 2022

Minä pystyn! -tapahtuma Kontinkankaan hyvinvointikeskuksessa (Oulu)


Esittelemme Digillä terveysvalmennusta -hankkeen tulevia koulutuksia ja innostamme kohderyhmiä mukaan. Tapahtuma on tarkoitettu raskausdiabetesta sairastaville ja sen riskissä oleville odottaville äideille, heidän perheilleen sekä