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Apply for international exchange!

The application period for international student exchange starts on 2nd of September.

Diak commits to the recommendations for good lobbying practice

The National Audit Office of Finland (VTV), which maintains the Transparency Register, has published recommendations for good lobbying practice. Diak commits to adhering to these recommendations in its advocacy activities.

Towards a more distinct profile – Diak’s brand is renewed

Diak is strengthening its brand with a comprehensive renewal. The UAS aims to communicate Diak’s unique profile and offerings more distinctly and clearly. The new visual identity and other brand guidelines will be implemented today, August 1, 2024.

Rainbow Flag at Diak’s Helsinki Campus Targeted by Vandalism – “We Will Continue to Raise Our Voice for the Rights of Gender and Sexual Minorities”

Diakonia-ammattikorkeakoulun Helsingin-kampuksen pihan salkoon eilen nostettu sateenkaarilippu on joutunut ilkivallan kohteeksi. Diak liputtaa Helsinki Pride -viikon ajan Helsingin-kampuksella seksuaali- ja sukupuolivähemmistöjen oikeuksien puolesta.

Multidisciplinary simulations in an international environment

International intensive courses, also known as BIP courses, bring together students and lecturers from different countries to collaborate. In Multidisciplinary Simulations BIP, students and teachers from Norway, Belgium, and Finland joined their forces to solve case examples in the healthcare sector.

Diak’s change negotiations completed

The change negotiations at Diaconia University of Applied Sciences have been completed. Diak aims to save approximately EUR 3 million by the end of 2026. As a result of the change negotiations, 22 people will be made redundant. The work tasks will change significantly for 9 people.

Diak to start change negotiations

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences (Diak) will start change negotiations in accordance with the Co-operation Act. The negotiations have economic, production-related and re-organisational grounds. The target of the negotiations is the entire personnel, that is approximately 270 people.

Helsinki campus services on March 20–21

There are minor changes in the services of the Helsinki campus on March 20-21, 2024, due to staff development days. The campus will be Read more

Diak graduates give Finland’s highest recommendations for their education

The lower and higher degrees of the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences are clearly the most recommended when compared to other Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. This can be seen in the report carried out by Viivain Ltd’s Osviitta® information service, which is based on the answers received from career monitoring surveys of universities of applied sciences.

Student, apply for international exchange!

  You can apply for student exchange or work placement or a combination of these two abroad. The application period for spring 2025 and Read more