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Creating sustainable and long-lasting development globally through long-term partnerships

The Diak-coordinated DVINE project aims to develop curricula, pedagogical competence and learning environments of partner institutions in Nepal and Vietnam. In a globalizing educational scene, the value of alternative ways of knowledge and cultural understanding is in an ever-growing role. Maintaining and nurturing partnerships like those gained in the DVINE can give important insight into the global educational scene and strengthen networks for all participants.

Study a Master’s Degree in Global Change and Community Development

Separate application for Master’s Degree in Global Change and Community Development takes place from 5 until 19 April.

Helsinki campus closed on Wednesday 23 of March

The Helsinki campus will be closed on Wednesday 23 of March due to water outage.

The crisis in Europe puts a strain on students – Diak secures the everyday life of students and provides support services

The global political situation has caused anxiety and concern among students. At Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, everyday life is also safeguarded in the midst of the crisis by actively providing students with support services.

Alumnus – apply to become a mentor for a soon-to-graduate Diak student!

Application to Diak’s mentorin program is open again! Alumnus – come share your professional path and support a soon-to-graduate Diak student in questions related to transitioning to professional life.

Apply for International Exchange!

Application period for international exchange has now been opened. Read more about the destinations and apply now!

First joint application has ended – number of applicants to Diak increased from last year

The first joint application for higher education in Finland ended on January 19, 2022.

Changes regarding the Helsinki campus premise and entrances

Due to the construction work next to the campus, the doors at the southern wall, meaning the main door, the A-corridor door and the door next to the Chapel will be temporarily closed starting Tuesday 18 January for approximately 3 months. This will also cause other changes on the campus premises.

Update to Diak’s COVID-19 guidelines: exams and teaching will be widely moved online in January

Diak’s corona working group has decided that the teaching and exams planned to be executed on campuses will be moved widely online in January.

Apply now for BA and MA degree programmes in Diak

Joint application to higher education degree programmes starts on 5 and ends on 19 January 2022 at 3pm Finnish time.