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International Diak

Student selection for UAS programmes conducted in English reformed – new joint entrance exam

Student selection procedures for Universities of Applied Sciences (UAS) study programmes conducted in English are being developed into a more uniform and streamlined direction. In recent years, several entrance exams have been in use for UAS study programmes conducted in English. From the applicant’s perspective, this has been perplexing and complicated.

Apply for International Exchange!

Application period for international exchange has opened.

Berlin meets Helsinki: International collaboration virtually

How is international collaboration possible during the pandemic? How can online meetings and real-life action be combined? The students of Diak and Fachhochschule Potsdam share their experiences about a shared course.

Co-developing higher education in Nepal and Vietnam

Diak is involved in DVINE-project that promotes well-being, health, and dignity of people in Nepal and Vietnam by developing curricula and pedagogical approaches, as well as by building capacity in higher education institutions. The DVINE consortium includes 7 universities from Finland, Norway, Turkey, Nepal, and Vietnam.

Blended learning facilitates everyday school life during exceptional times

BLENDI – Blended Learning for Inclusion is a project that promotes blended learning across Europe. Blended learning refers to a situation where elements of online learning are systematically introduced to complement traditional teaching in classrooms.

3IN Alliance collaboration continues despite the refusal of funding

Despite the refusal of European Commission’s funding, 3IN Alliance will continue its collaboration towards a word where no one is left behind.

New 3IN Alliance website launched

We are delighted to launch brand new website for 3IN Alliance:

IASYM: Call for papers – submit your research now!

The IASYM European biennial conference 2020 will be held on Diak’s campus in Helsinki 15-18 April 2020. We invite all those involved in youth and emerging/young adult ministry as researchers, teachers, lecturers or thoughtful practitioners to join the conference.

International student exchange: apply now!

Would you be interested to complete your training in Estonia or Germany? Maybe you want to attend some courses in Belgium or Norway?

“Diak was an easy choice for me”

Exchange student Mariana tells her story: how is it like to study at Diak?