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Contact us!

Student and Staff Exchange:

Diak International Office

International office provides services and guidance for exchange students and degree students interested in internationalisation during their studies. We also warmly welcome colleagues from our international partner universities for teacher and staff exchanges. To make an appointment, please email us.

Helsinki campus office hours

Wednesdays 13 – 14, Study Office


International degree students:

Admissions office

If you wish to study at Diak as an international degree student, please contact admissions(at)
More information about Admissions is available here.

International academic supervisors

International academic supervisors give advice on academic questions related to mobility: courses, work placement goals & contents and credit transfer. Contact the international academic advisor of your field of study via email

Social Services

Mika Alavaikko, Jaana Rintala

Nursing and Health care

Helsinki: Hanna Dombret
Oulu, Pori and Diak Eastern Finland: Tiina Ervelius


Sign Language Interpretation: Tiina Saarijärvi-Kivelä
Community Interpretation: Mari Vainikka

Internationalisation and your personal study plan

Diak students can discuss the timing of the student exchange and internationalisation in personal study plan with their study guidance counselor.