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Frequently asked questions: student counselling

Check out our student counsellor and other welfare services!

1. What type of issues can I discuss with a student counsellor?

When you face challenges in your circumstances, such as coping with studies or a lack of motivation, it is better to seek support than try to handle everything alone. Circumstances affecting your family members, friends or fellow students can also be stressful to you personally. All matters can be discussed in confidence with a student counsellor. Don’t worry about whether your problem merits discussion – simply contact your student counsellor.

2. Do my concerns have to be related to studies or studying?

No, they do not. Student counsellors take the approach that any issues you are experiencing in your private life will also have an effect on your studies. It is important to support students in a comprehensive way whether their issues directly relate to their private lives or their studies.

3. Does it cost to see a student counsellor?

No. Appointments and all transactions with student counsellors are free of charge for students of Diaconia University of Applied Sciences.

4. Who else will know that I have visited a student counsellor?

All discussions with student counsellors are confidential, and student counsellors never divulge anything about them to other people, unless you and your student counsellor specifically agree otherwise. If it is necessary to discuss your concerns with someone else, the matter will always be discussed with you first and nothing will be done without your consent. The principle is that a student must always be present in person when his or her circumstances are being discussed at Diak.

5. How can I make an appointment with a student counsellor?

You can make your appointment by email, text message or telephone, or you can approach a student counsellor in person at any time to request an appointment.

6. Are consultation times available during evening and weekend hours?

In principle, student counsellors work from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 4 pm. At times, it is possible to arrange evening meetings by advance agreement. Student counsellors are usually not available during weekends and holidays.

7. I would rather talk over the phone than face-to-face. Is that possible?

Absolutely. You can have telephone appointments with student counsellors. It is also possible to conduct sessions through the web conferencing system. The means for contacting and consultation can be agreed on separately with student counsellors.

If needed, consultation over the phone can be done anonymously as well.

8. Can I discuss with my student counsellor via email?

It is possible for students to discuss their circumstances at length and in detail via email, but please note that such communications are at your own risk. All email communication involves security and privacy risks. For that reason, we strongly recommend that you only use email for making appointments and discuss your issues in person during the appointment.

9. I am worried about a fellow student and how s/he is coping. What should I do?

If you know your fellow student well, you might ask him/her directly in private about how s/he is doing. You might also mention that you are worried and suggest, for example, that s/he contact a student counsellor. Circumstances may become so challenging that you might not know the best course of action. In those cases, you can contact a student counsellor or any other member of the student welfare group at your campus. You can talk about your worries without divulging the identity of your fellow student. It is important to be able to leave your worries with professionals and think about the right way to proceed with the issue.

10. How do I know that my issue is important enough to merit a consultation with a student counsellor? What if I take away time from others who need the services more than I do?

Simply contact a student counsellor. Your issue is important. Circumstances and issues should not be compared between people – an issue that may seem small to one person can cause great worry to someone else. You should not worry alone.