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Privacy statement: Communications

Data controller

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences Ltd
PO Box 12, 00511

Contact person for matters related to data protection

Kyläsaarenkuja 2, 00580 Helsinki

Name of privacy statement

Communications department privacy statement

Purpose of the processing of personal data

Holding of the contact details of Diak stakeholders, donors, staff and alumni for marketing, communication, information and fundraising purposes.

Legal basis of processing of personal data

According to Article 6 of the General Data Protection Regulation, data processing is lawful only if, and only to the extent that, at least one of the following conditions is met:

f) The processing is necessary for fulfilment of the legitimate interests of the data controller or of a third party
e) The data processing is necessary for performance of some duty in the public interest, or the processing is necessary for the data controller‘s exercise of their public power
d) The data processing is necessary for safeguarding the vital interests of the data subject or some other natural person
c) The data processing is necessary for compliance with the statutory obligations of the data controller
b) The processing is necessary for implementing an agreement to which the data subject is a party
a) The data subject has given their consent

The conditions to be met are a and b.

Personal data groups to be processed and storage periods for personal data

Personal data to be processed: Photo, Email address, Telephone, Address.

Other data to be processed: Date of birth.

Periods for which data is stored: According to the archive creation plan (AMS, available on the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences intranet).

Whether sensitive information (race/ethnicity, origin, political opinion, religious or philosophical belief, membership of a trade union, health-related information, sexual orientation or behaviour) is processed. Article 9: No.

Information systems used and system-specific privacy statements

  • Diak’s internal intranet;
  • Diak’s public website;
  • Liana newsletter service;
  • Electronic registers (Excel, PipeDrive) – alumni register, donor register;
  • MobilePay;
  • Manual registers – donated books, photos, contact lists of service providers.

Regular sources of information

  • Sympa
  • Liana (data subjects themselves enter their own information)
  • MobilePay
  • PipeDrive
  • Management of Diak’s contacts.

Regular data disclosure

Diak’s marketing partners.

Transfer of information outside the EU or the European Economic Area

The data is not transferred outside the EU or the European Economic Area.

Principles of protecting registers

A) Manual material

Is there manual data? Yes.

If yes, how is the material stored and protected? The alumni register is stored in a lockable cabinet. The information can be accessed by the alumni coordinator.

B) Digitally processed data

Is there data in electronic form? Yes.

If yes, how is the material stored and protected?

The data will be stored in accordance with Diaconia University of Applied Sciences’ archive plan (AMS). Electronic material is processed based on the user’s rights of access to such systems (see privacy statements). Only communications staff have access to the register.

Rights and responsibilities of data subjects

The data subject has the right to request access to personal data concerning him or her, the right to request correction or erasure of such data and the right to request restriction of the processing of it, the right to oppose processing or it, and the right to transfer from one controller to another.

The data subject has the right to withdraw their consent at any time without this affecting the lawfulness of the processing carried out prior to this withdrawal, if the processing of personal data is based on the consent of the data subject.

Upon request, the data subject may use the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences’ own model form.

The data subject has the right to file a complaint with the Office of the Data Protection Ombudsman.

Profiling is not carried out on the basis of personal data contained in the register.

If personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, the data subject has the right at any time to oppose the processing of their personal data for such marketing, including profiling when it is related to such direct marketing.

The data protection officer is the contact person in matters relating to the rights and obligations of the data subjects. The contact details of the data protection officer are given at the beginning of the privacy statement (section 2).