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Global Diak

Diak aims at promoting sustainable wellbeing in communities and service systems in the national, European and global contexts. Diak is an ethically responsible multidisciplinary university aiming to improve inclusion and welfare in society. This overall strategy guides our international activities. Internationality is rooted in every function at Diak. 

Download the entire international action plan as a PDF file.

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Summary of the international action plan 2021–2024


  1. All Diak graduates are able to act in international and intercultural environments and understand sustainable global development.
  2. Diak is international, attractive and diverse community, and encourages its students and staff for active encounters, co-creation and
    internationalization, including internationalisation at home.
  3. Diak’s education and RDI generate international added value on sustainable global wellbeing and promote the inclusion of the most vulnerable. Diak
    also promotes the availability of international skilled professionals in Finland as well as diversity in society.

This is how we do it: 

  • We have strengthened our international reputation as a builder of interfaith dialogue.
  • Our international partnerships have deepened, strengthening and broadening our activities.

Internationalisation is a crosscutting theme in all Diak’s actions and functions: 

  • Education: curriculum cooperation, joint courses, Blended Intensive Programmes  
  • Research, development and innovation: RDI projects, publications, working life services, Diak Hub  
  • Services: library, IT, quality, communication, finance, safety, HR 
  • Student and staff mobility: short, long and virtual exchanges
  • Business activities and international tenders: Diak’s products and services  
  • National and international network cooperation in international matters: conferences, seminars, trainings, events 

International Collaboration

At Diak, education is developed by strengthening international knowledge creating networks and targeting the increase of flexible learning opportunities. Our objective is,
in collaboration with our international partners, to build new innovation ecosystems where education development and RDI are structurally interlinked and new
innovations are co-created in collaboration of students, staff and working life partners from different sectors.

Diak’s global partners and networks include:

  • 70 mobility partners  
  • 70 RDI partners   
  • 60 international networks 

Diak creates innovations in collaboration with its partners, based on ethically, socially, economically and environmentally sustainable principles.

Some themes of these projects are:

  • Innovation ecosystems, joint innovation, multidisciplinary approach  
  • Ecosocial approach  
  • Digitalisation and the ethics of digitalisation and innovation  
  • Sustainable community development, societal entrepreneurship  
  • Inclusion and wellbeing  
  • Health promotion 
  • Cultural and religious literacy and dialogue 

International Mobility

Diak’s partner countries and regions are Europe, Africa (Tanzania, Kenya, Ghana, Eswatini and Somalia), Asia (Nepal, Vietnam and India), Middle East (Palestine) and Arctic. 

Yearly outgoing:

  • 50–100 outgoing students, the most popular destinations are e.g. Spain, Nepal and Tanzania 
  • 30–60 staff members, the most popular destinations are Germany, Norway and the Netherlands 

Yearly incoming:

  • 50–100 incoming students e.g. from Germany and the Czech Republic 
  • 30–60 staff members e.g. from Germany and Norway 

Blended and virtual mobility give students and staff the possibility to work in multicultural groups and gain valuable international experience even when physical mobility is not possible. This includes Erasmus+ Blended Intensive Programmes, opportunities offered by international networks, Erasmus+ Virtual Exchanges and developing education, RDI and services in virtual, interactive cooperation. 

See mobility opportunities for students at International website.

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