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A safe learning and working environment at Diak

Diaconia University of Applied Sciences fosters the well-being and safety of its community. The aim is to provide a calm, safe and pleasant learning and working environment. Safety is promoted through education, communications and monitoring measures.

Diak has a set of plans and procedures in place for the management, monitoring and assessment of the safety our our environment and responding to any safety concerns.

Our guidelines and management systems are designed with due consideration of activities which take place outside of our institution, such as work placement periods in Finland and abroad.

Observation reporting

To maintain a safe learning and working environment the students and staff are encouraged to report observations. In Diak we use observation reporting application Falcony (previously known as Incy). Log in to Falcony with your student email address.

Safety and security guidelines

Check out safety and security guidelines for student at Tuudo: People and services > Safety and security guidelines

Further information

Head of Security Eeva Hytönen, tel. +358 (0)50 477 6011,