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Staff exchange

Diak offers a wide range of exchange opportunities for teachers and other university staff including  specialists.

Examples of the themes of the staff exchange:

  • teaching in the fields of nursing, social services, sign language, AAC methods, community interpreting
  • getting to know Diak’s administration
  • getting to know Diak’s international cooperation
  • planning and designing a collaboration project

How to apply?

If you are interested in staff exchange at Diak, please contact Diak’s international office and propose the exchange, the contents and the schedule for the exchange. For Diak staff the actual information will be published in internal communication channels.

The application process for the staff exchanges is on-going without deadlines, but it is recommended to have first contact with Diak several weeks before the planned exchange.

Register your visit to Diak

We kindly ask all our international guests to fill in a  registration form  before their arrival.

Please note that your visit should be confirmed by Diak before filling in the registration.

Contact us!

Hanna Mikkonen