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Publication series

Diak publications are grouped into four series: Diak Research, Diak and Working Life, Diak Speaks and Diak Teaches.

Nearly all publications are available on an open access basis in the Theseus repository of universities of applied sciences.

Price list

  • Diak Research, €33.00
  • Diak and Working Life, €26.00
  • Diak Speaks, €26.00
  • Diak Teaches, €26.00

Previous publication series

  • A Research reports €30.00
  • B Reports, €24.00
  • C Reviews and datasets, €18.00
  • D Working papers, €12.00

Publications can be ordered by email from

Diak Research

ON THE DIAK TUTKIMUS [Diak Research] -series, scientific studies producing new and innovative information on the fields of Diak education, research and development will be published. The publications are monographs or collections of articles. The series is peer review.

Diak and Working Life

DIAK TYÖELÄMÄ [Diak Working Life] -series distributes  information produced by Diak’s research, development and innovation activities. Among other things, project reports will be publish in this series.

Diak Statement

ON THE DIAK PUHEENVUORO [Diak Statement]series, current statements, reviews and pamphlets based on Diak education, research and development will be published. The publication series is a medium for fast publishing.

Diak Education

ON THE DIAK OPETUS [Diak Education] –series , publications describing pedagogical development, study materials, guidebooks and workbooks will be published.

Diak Publications

ON THE DIAK PUBLICATIONS -series, publications related to Diak education, research, development and internationl partnerships will be published in other languages than Finnish.

DIAK vuosikirja - Diak Yearbook

DIAK VUOSIKIRJA – DIAK YEARBOOK -series is for publishing the Diak yearbook.