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Diak’s focus areas

In our RDI activities in collaboration with industry and project partners, Diak aims to

  • increase community cohesion
  • prevent poverty and exclusion
  • improve service paths for customers
  • develop services and service systems.

We build new solutions based on Diak’s strategic strengths:

Underpinned by education

We provide tools for building meaningful lives and high-quality work. We support sustainable living and wellbeing. We contribute to international networks of expertise.

Centred on new ethics

We are committed to human encounters and interaction. We recognise suffering in the world and work to solve social issues. We seek answers to ethical questions posed by new technologies and ways of working.

Powered by diversity

We work to increase social inclusion and integration. We promote religious and cultural literacy and mediation. We seek solutions to challenges in an increasingly complex world.

Driven by joint working and knowledge

We develop student-focused learning ecosystems and platforms nationally. We facilitate flexible learning paths and multimodal learning. We place importance on interpersonal skills.

Get to know our strategy here.

Read more on our projects here.