Rules of conduct
The aim of Diak’s Rules of Conduct is to provide a calm, safe and pleasant learning and working environment. By adhering to a set of common rules, we can all help create a good work and study environment and prevent problems.
The Rules of Conduct apply to all staff members and students at Diak and all of our activities.
Personal conduct
Each member of our higher education community is expected to conduct themselves appropriately and adhere to general guidelines on security and occupational health and safety. This also applies to social media.
Students and teachers are expected to adhere to agreed schedules, perform their duties and maintain a calm work environment.
Any disruptions will be dealt with immediately. A person who disrupts study or work or behaves in a violent or threatening manner may be removed from the premises.
Property, safety, parking and tidiness
- The property of the UAS or a workplace host organisation must be handled appropriately.
- A tidy work environment is everyone’s responsibility.
- A person who needlessly causes a fire alarm or security alarm to be activated is responsible for the associated costs.
- The UAS is not responsible for personal property.
- In order to ensure data security, all students and staff members must adhere to the security guidelines, which are issued separately.
Diak aims to be an accessible higher education institution. In order to ensure full accessibility, the parking instructions must be adhered to in all campus areas.
Parking in a way that blocks emergency access is subject to a fine.
Intoxicating substances
A substance-free environment is part of the well-being of Diak students and staff.
Possession or use of intoxicating substances at work or in the study or work placement environment is prohibited. The UAS has separate guidelines on substance abuse and treatment.
Smoking is permitted only in the designated outdoor smoking areas. Students under the age 18 are not permitted to smoke anywhere on the UAS campus (Occupational Safety and Health Act L549/2016).
Effective date
These Rules of Conduct were adopted on 21 March 2012.
Sanction procedures for violations are determined on the basis of occupational safety and health legislation, the Tort Liability Act and Diak Degree Regulations.
The Rules of Conduct are based on section 31 of the Universities of Applied Sciences Act 932/2014.