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Utilisation of artificial intelligence at Diak

The purpose of these guidelines is to ensure that artificial intelligence is used to support teaching and learning, as well as research, development and innovation, at Diak in a useful and reliable manner. In these guidelines, “artificial intelligence” refers to software and applications that utilise artificial intelligence. The use of artificial intelligence is encouraged when it supports learning or development work. However, artificial intelligence should always be used responsibly, openly and with consideration of data protection and ethical guidelines.

These guidelines are based on the Arene recommendations for utilising artificial intelligence in universities of applied sciences. Diak’s degree regulations as well as its data protection statement also apply as guiding rules for the use of artificial intelligence.

Diak updates and evaluates its guidelines on artificial intelligence when needed.

General guidelines

  1. Diak encourages the use of artificial intelligence when it supports learning and development work.
  2. The use of artificial intelligence can complement and support teaching, learning and development work, but it does not directly replace teacher instruction, learning materials, research or the text of publications.
  3. Creators are responsible for the accuracy, correctness, integrity and originality of their works. Always personally double-check the content produced using artificial intelligence.
  4. Ensure that you understand the purpose, limitations and security aspects of the artificial intelligence application you are using.
  5. Ensure that you do not compromise the privacy or confidentiality of staff or students when using artificial intelligence tools. Do not use artificial intelligence applications to process personal data or copyrighted or confidential information, such as information related to Diak’s business or a workplace partner’s business.
  6. If an artificial intelligence application requires a username or login, for security reasons use personal email instead of Diak’s email or login credentials.
  7. Use artificial intelligence tools in accordance with good scientific practice. Always cite the source if the text or image has been produced using artificial intelligence. Check the accuracy of the sources of texts produced by artificial intelligence.
  8. Use artificial intelligence in an ethically sustainable manner. Artificial intelligence tools should adhere to principles of fairness, equality and respect for others. Do not use artificial intelligence in an offensive manner or in violation of applicable laws, rules or regulations.

Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in studies

  1. Students may use artificial intelligence when it supports learning. For example, artificial intelligence can be used in brainstorming, summarising bodies of text, understanding concepts or proofreading.
  2. Students are always responsible for the content of their submissions. According to Diak’s degree regulations, it is academic misconduct to present the output of an artificial intelligence application as the student’s own work or to utilise it against instructions as part of one’s own task. In cases of misconduct, the procedures for academic misconduct outlined in the degree regulations apply. Diak uses a detector to determine whether students’ material originates from a person or artificial intelligence.
  3. Students must disclose how and what artificial intelligence was used if they have used it in an assignment or thesis. Information about artificial intelligence is provided in citations or a separate mention and according to Diak’s citation guidelines.
  4. Teachers provide guidance on how artificial intelligence can or cannot be used. Please follow these guidelines.
  5. When using artificial intelligence applications, consider the purpose, limitations and security of the application.
  6. Artificial intelligence may provide information that has not been verified. Ensure that the information provided by artificial intelligence is reliable and can be justified by referring to an appropriate expert source, for example.
  7. Remember that personal data or copyrighted or confidential information, such as information related to Diak’s business or a workplace partner’s business, should not be processed in artificial intelligence applications.

Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in teaching

  1. Teachers can support and encourage students to use artificial intelligence as part of their studies and as a skill for working life. Teachers can also use artificial intelligence in the planning of study units and assignments.
  2. It is good to inform students about the principles and drawbacks of using artificial intelligence. For example, information about artificial intelligence can be provided at the beginning of studies, during study guidance, in thesis seminars and in method courses.
  3. When planning learning tasks and assessments, ensure that it is not possible to complete a course by using artificial intelligence or a language model alone. For example, learning tasks can be tied to specific study materials, applied examples, future perspectives or work assignments.
  4. Teachers can stipulate whether the use of artificial intelligence is allowed in a particular course. By instructing students, the teacher ensures the appropriate and responsible use of artificial intelligence. Assignments can emphasise the building up of students’ own skills, for example by asking for personal examples or documenting the learning process.
  5. Please instruct students on how to cite sources properly according to Diak’s citation guidelines.
  6. Remember that personal data or copyrighted or confidential information, such as information related to Diak’s business or a workplace partner’s business, should not be processed in artificial intelligence applications.
  7. Please also adhere to general ethical principles in the use of artificial intelligence, such as fairness, equality and respect for other students and teachers.

Guidelines for the use of artificial intelligence in research, development and innovation, and in administration

  1. Artificial intelligence can be used to support the planning and implementation of research, development and innovation activities.
  2. Note the guidelines of the funder or publishing platform regarding the use of artificial intelligence applications.
  3. Creators are responsible for the accuracy, correctness, integrity and originality of their work. Always personally double-check the content produced using artificial intelligence.
  4. Mention the use of artificial intelligence in RDI outputs, while taking into account the guidelines of the publishing platform. Diak publications follow Diak’s citation guidelines.
  5. Follow good scientific practice. Artificial intelligence is not a source of scientific text. Ensure that the references are correct.
  6. Remember that personal data or copyrighted or confidential information, such as information related to Diak’s business or a workplace partner’s business, should not be processed in artificial intelligence applications.
  7. Please also adhere to general ethical principles in the use of artificial intelligence, such as fairness, equality and respect for other students and teachers.

Referencing guidelines when utilising artificial intelligence

When artificial intelligence has been used in the production or editing of text and images, mention this. Provide information about the use of artificial intelligence in references (see guidelines for references). When referring to text produced by artificial intelligence, state the tool and version used, for example as follows:

When asked “What is the most significant challenge of the platform economy’s prevalence?”, ChatGPT responds that it is the impact on traditional business models and labour markets (OpenAI, 2023).

In references, this is then recorded as:

OpenAI. (2023). ChatGPT (March 14 version). [Large language model].

When artificial intelligence has been used as a tool, without a direct reference, mention this. For example as follows:

“This report has used the ChatGPT 3.5 artificial intelligence application to edit the language and fluency of the text.”

Regarding images, mention whether the image has been produced with an artificial intelligence application. The information can be marked as follows, for example:

Image: OpenAI Hotpot AI Image Generator, 2023