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Where to go?

Diak has partner institutions in many parts of the world. We actively develop our partner network for student exchange, staff exchange and research cooperation. All students have the possibility to spend an exchange period abroad during their studies.

Mobility Online search portal gives you information on our exchange destinations:

  1. Define your search criteria by choosing your Field of Study and Academic Year (when you wish to go for exchange).
  2. Search destinations by clicking Start search.
  3. Scroll down to see the exchange destinations.
  4. You will find information about the destination by clicking the icon in the column Agreements.
  5. Finally click on the i-icon.

In Europe students can search for work placements independently as well. Diak does not approve student exchanges to countries that Ministry for Foreign Affairs does not recommend travelling to.

Contact us!

If you have any questions, please contact Diak’s international office:

Travel reports

You can read student exchange travel reports submitted by Diak students to find out more about potential exchange destinations. The reports are written in English or in Finnish.  The reports are available in Mobility Online -platform.

  1. Go to Mobility Online 
  2. Click Exchange reports-icon in the top-left corner.
  3. Choose your desired search criteria and scroll down for results.
  4. Click on the ?-icon in the column Number available questionnaires.
  5. Read the travel report by clicking on the Show details -icon in the right side of the screen.