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Guidelines for borrowing

The loan period varies by collection. Most titles can be borrowed for 14 or 28 days.

A loan can be renewed up to ten times via discovery service Diak Finna, at the library desk, over the phone or by email.

You cannot renew a loan if another user has reserved the title or your borrowing privileges have been revoked.

Students with reading difficulties can borrow course audiobooks from the Celia Library. You can request a customer ID by contacting the customer service of any of our libraries.

You do not need to provide a certificate of your disability in order to borrow titles.


You can reserve titles that are on loan via Diak Finna​ or by visiting a customer service desk. Reservations are free of charge.

You will be notified by email when the title becomes available.

Make sure you collect the reserved title or cancel the reservation in Diak Finna if you no longer need it. We will charge a fee for uncollected reservations 1 euro from 2021.

When you have got the e-mail to collect your book, you cannot cancel it by your self any more. In that case please contact the library by e-mail:

Returns and reminders

Please return titles to the library branch from which you borrowed the title. If your loan is overdue, you will receive two reminders by email. Overdue charges are accrued based on the current price list starting from the due date.

The customer has the obligation to replace any lost or damaged materials which have been borrowed on his or her card.

Interlibrary loans

Titles which are not available at your local Diak library or other libraries in your local area can be sourced from other branches.

The service is free for Diak students and staff members and subject to a fee for external customers.

In the Helsinki metropolitan area, interlibrary loans are not shipped between libraries, and the customer must collect the title in person from the library at which it is held. Interlibrary loans from external libraries are subject to a fee for all customers. See the price list.

All interlibrary requests are made by by visiting the local branch of Diak Library.

Students at the Pori campus can use the interlibrary service of SAMK Library.

Interlibrary service from Diak to other libraries is offered free of charge.

We follow the Finnish interlibrary loan guidelines.

Information on interlibrary loans for libraries

Make an interlibrary requesting by contacting the library.