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Library’s rules

Access and loans

The library is open to all. There are some restrictions on loans with regard to specific collections. Library cards can be issued to individuals aged 15 or older upon registration and presentation of ID. Customers under 15 need a guardian’s written consent in order to get a library card and borrow library materials.

The library has the right to process personal identity numbers under EU’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) as of 25 May 2018.

Customers have the right to access their personal data.

All library card holders agree to be bound by the library’s rules including any subsequent amendments. Upon request, users must present their ID in order to borrow library materials. The customer is responsible for all library materials borrowed on his or her card. The library must be notified of any changes to the user’s contact information.

Further information about data protection in Diak.

Lost library cards

Lost library cards must be reported to the library. The customer is responsible for all library materials borrowed on his or her card before the card is reported as lost. A new card can be issued for a fee.

Loans, renewals and returns

A library card is required to borrow library materials. Each loan can be renewed up to 20 times. Renewal is not possible if the item has been reserved by another customer or if the card holder’s borrowing privileges have been revoked. Materials must be returned to the same library they were borrowed from.

If the customer fails to return or renew a loan by the due date, he or she will have to pay a late return fine according to the service price list. The late return fine is per day for each day the loan is not returned after the due date. Late return fines are payable even if the customer has not received a late return notice.

If the customer accrues fines of €10 or over, fails to return overdue loans within six weeks of the due date or loses or damages library materials, his or her borrowing privileges will be revoked. The borrowing privileges can be reinstated upon return of overdue materials, replacement of lost or damaged materials and payment of the late return fines.

Replacement of materials

The customer has the obligation to replace any lost or damaged materials which have been borrowed on his or her card. Materials can be replaced with an equivalent item supplied to the library. Replacements must be agreed on with the library in advance.

Alternatively, materials can be compensated by paying the replacement charge determined by the library. In both cases, the customer is liable for an additional administrative fee.

The library will invoice the customer for any unreturned or damaged materials. Overdue invoices will be transferred to a collection agency, and the collection charges are payable by the customer. Debt collection also applies to materials borrowed by customers under the age of 18.

Use of electronic materials

Electronic materials acquired by the Diak Library can be accessed by library customers from the library’s workstations. Most of the databases can be accessed by remote access only by students and staff members of Diak.

Library facilities and equipment

The library offers reading rooms and workspaces for users. The facilities can be used by customers during the library’s opening hours. Users must comply with the IT department’s rules on the use of Diak’s computer network.

Disruptive behaviour is prohibited in the library. The library does not accept responsibility for any personal possessions left by customers, any damage to personal equipment caused by borrowed materials or damage to any third party property caused by the library’s equipment.

The library reserves the right to suspend the access and borrowing privileges of any person who is found to be behaving disruptively or violates the library’s rules.