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Preparing for a job interview

The purpose of a job interview is to find out if you are the right person for the job. It is your job to convince the employer of your skills in the interview situation. When you receive an invitation to a job interview, you can already congratulate yourself!

In addition to your skills, the interviewer is interested in, among other things, your goals, values ​​and motivation. Attention will also be paid to your interaction skills, problem-solving ability and your knowledge of the employer and the job you are applying for.

Traditionally, a job interview is conducted as an individual interview, but the interview can also be arranged as a group interview or a video interview. Whatever the method of interviewing, one should prepare for it carefully.

Getting to know the employer

  • Read the job advertisement again
  • Review what you learn from your employer when applying for a job
  • Check out the employer’s website and social media channels again
  • What other information about the employer might be found? (Press articles, Financial information?)
  • Prepare for a job interview by analyzing your own job, employer, and career aspirations. You will get more out of a job interview if you know yourself and your own desires in addition to the employer.

Be prepared to answer typical questions in a job interview

  • Tell me about yourself?
  • Why are you applying for this job?
  • Why should we hire you?
  • What are your weaknesses?
  • What are your strengths?
  • What are your values?
  • What makes a good supervisor? (What leadership style supports you in your work?)
  • Where will you see yourself in five years?
  • What do you expect from this job?
  • Hypothetical case at work – how would you work?

What doesn’t need to be answered in a job interview?

Issues related to, for example, religion, family relationships, sexual orientation, and political beliefs. If the interviewee asks questions related to these, you can circumvent the question politely.

At the end of the interview, it is worth asking about the course of the recruitment process. By doing this, you show that you are still interested in the job.

Preparing for an individual interview

Once you have received an invitation to a job interview

Respond to the interview invitation as quickly as possible, even if you are unable to attend.

Interview up front

A job interview is a meeting where you get to know and discuss. In addition to getting to know the employer, it is also possible for you to get to know the employer by actively asking questions yourself.

Think about the questions you want to ask about the job and the employer. Write down what you want to know about the employer, the job duties, and the company’s staff, that is, your potential future co-workers.

Prepare for the interview situation by thinking about your clothes the day before. Also, check how you get to the site and how much time you should set aside for the transitions. Bring your resume (CV), any certificates, and your job application. You can also bring notes to record.

In an interview situation

Arriving for the interview
Arrive for an interview well in advance. Introduce yourself with a smile and make an indelible impression on the employer from the very first moment.


It is natural to get excited in a job interview situation. Excitement tells you that you want to perform well in a situation. However, it is possible to learn to manage insurmountable tension. For example, you can do different breathing exercises before the interview situation.

Body language, expressions, gestures and own activity

Body language can tell you many things about yourself. A suitably upright position also gives you a more confident feeling. With expressions and gestures, you can show your interest in the employer and the job you are looking for.

Feel free to ask the interviewer any questions that interest you about that job. Also be prepared to tell us about your own skills concisely, your motives for the job and possible gaps in your CV.

Preparing for a group interview

A group interview refers to a job interview situation in which other job seekers participate in order to add. In a group interview, it is possible to stand out with your own personality and the goal is to stand out in favour of other job seekers.

In a group interview situation, consider at least the following:

  1. Think of the situation instead of the competitive situation from the perspective of working together and collaborative skills.
  2. Feel free to participate in the discussion but also give room for others to speak.
  3. Listen to other applicants, comment constructively on their opinions, and give positive feedback. As a good tip, you also memorize their names, which gives the employer a good idea of ​​paying attention to others.
  4. Remember to be yourself and bring out your best!

Tips for video interview

The popularity of video interviews has grown as a form of interview. It can be done via a video call or pre-recorded video.

Here are some tips for the video interview:

  1. Prepare in a video interview to answer the same questions as in a traditional interview
  2. Make sure you dress appropriately and keep the environment and background clean. For example, in Teams, you can also use background blur or a wallpaper of your choice.
  3. Check the audio and video settings for proper operation. Also consider a pleasant viewing angle and lighting for a video connection.
  4. Remote connection may interact with its own challenges. However, strive for a natural impression e.g. Looking at the camera while talking.
  5. Avoid talking to the interviewee – always listen to the questions to the end.
    See tips for a video interview here

Practice a job interview situation:

  • Practicing a video interview with Recright.