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Welcome to the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Health Care, Nursing!

Studies in the Nursing programme will begin 14 August 2024.

Guidelines for confirming your study place, registering as a student and practical arrangements can be found on the information page for all new students.

Starting your studies

Compulsory orientation days of Nursing programme will take place 14-16 August 2024 at Diak Helsinki campus, Kyläsaarenkuja 2, 00580 Helsinki.

The schedule for the orientation days will be published in June 2024.

Schedule in the autumn 2024

The Nursing studies are full time studies. Studies will take place between Mon-Fri every week from 14 August to 15 November 2024 and 16-20 December 2024. First clinical practice will take place 18 November – 15 December 2024. 1. semester studies end 20 December 2024.

Detailed schedules will be published in June 2024 at Diak’s schedule tool. Your group code is HKI-S24nur.

Before the schedules are published, you can view the contact teaching days on the Schedules and registration page and by clicking contact days in Autumn semester 2024.

Mode of study

Studies are conducted as daytime studies. Studies include contact teaching, independent study and studying in small groups as well as online. There are approximately 3–4 contact teaching days per week.


The curriculum for the Nursing programme is available on our website.

Study Guidance Counselling

Diak offers various forms of study guidance for students. There are regular group meetings with the Study Guidance Counselor. Also individual support is available. Students may talk to a counsellor in confidence about their personal study plan or any issues concerning studies.

Refresh your Finnish skills

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Diakin suomen opintojaksot kesällä 2024:
Työelämän suomea SUM5
Suomen kirjoittamiskurssi SUM4
Suomen kieli, perustaso 2 SUM3
Enrol via open university