Welcome to the Bachelor’s Degree Programme in Social Services!
Studies of the Social Services programme will begin 18 August 2025 at 9am at Diak Helsinki campus (Kyläsaarenkuja 2, 00580 Helsinki).
If you have not received a residence permit to Finland by 18 August, you will be able to join the orientation online in Zoom. Please contact Sonja Hyrkkö sonja.hyrkko@diak.fi to receive the Zoom link.
If you are moving to Finland in the autumn 2025, you will find useful information about your new home country at our New in Finland website.
Guidelines for confirming your study place, registering as a student and practical arrangements can be found on the information page for all new students.
Starting your studies
Compulsory orientation week takes place 18 August 2025 – 22 August 2025 at Diak Helsinki campus.
Students that have not received residence permit to Finland by 18 August will be able to join the orientation week online in Zoom. Please contact Sonja Hyrkkö sonja.hyrkko@diak.fi to receive the Zoom link.
Social Services lectures will be held online in Zoom until 26 September 2025.
All students should arrive to Finland by 29 September 2025. After that online participation to lectures will not be possible anymore.
Schedule in the autumn 2025
Contact teaching weeks in the autumn 2025:
Week 34 (18 – 22.8 on campus)
Week 35 (online teaching)
Week 37 (online teaching + one day at campus)
Week 38 (online teaching)
Week 40 (29.9 – 3.10 on campus)
Week 41 (6 – 10.10 on campus)
Week 43 (20-24.10 on campus)
Week 45 (3 – 7.11 on campus)
Week 47 (17-21.11 on campus)
Week 50 (8 – 14.12 on campus)
Detailed schedules will be available 9 June at Diak’s schedule tool. Your group code is HKI-S25dss.
Blended learning method
Studies are conducted as daytime studies. They include contact teaching, independent study and studying in small groups as well as online on Diakle learning platform.
Social Services programme is a blended learning programme, that includes contact and distance learning sessions and work placement periods. Diak blended learning consists of a contact learning week at the campus every 2 to 4 weeks. Each semester includes 4 to 7 contact learning weeks. The distance learning weeks consist of for instance scheduled online lectures, group work, seminars and exams. Work placements require full-time attendance.
The studies of the group will progress, primarily, in accordance with a schedule that is phased according to the group’s learning tasks.
The studies will require individual tasks and cooperative work as well as interaction face-to-face and online. They also include practical training periods.
The studies are designed to correspond to full-time studies.
Study Guidance
Diak offers various forms of study guidance for students. There are regular group meetings with the Study Guidance Counselor. Also individual support is available. Students may talk to a counsellor in confidence about their personal study plan or any issues concerning studies.
The curriculum for the Bachelor’s degree in Social Services is available on our website.