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Pedagogical choices at Diak

Diak’s pedagogical philosophy is based on dialogue and transformation. It describes the way in which Diak delivers education and nurtures learning and the development of expertise.

What is pedagogy?

Pedagogy refers to the method of organising teaching and education. Education in universities of applied sciences is delivered under the UAS Act based on the requirements of working life and its development and on the premises of academic research and academic and artistic education.

In addition to the UAS Act, education and teaching at Diak are delivered according to the institution’s strategy for 2021–2030. Diak’s strategy states: “Diak seeks, does and sees good, and nurtures helpers who want to build a sustainable and equal world.”

Diak’s dialogue-based, transformative pedagogy is underpinned by four key aspects: dialogue (learning as participation), learning as knowledge acquisition, learning as knowledge creation, and transformation.

Dialogue – learning as participation

Dialogue refers to empathy and interpersonal skills which are at the core of all of Diak’s study programmes. In the context of education and learning, the dialogue-based approach means honest encounters, a way of being in the world, respecting the uniqueness of each participant, and constructing shared meanings.

Participation is a specific focus of Diak’s pedagogical approach. Learning as participation also means that learning is centred on learning methods, professional growth, contextuality and situational particularity. Situational learning means that learning is linked to activities, the environment and the organisational culture.

Learning as knowledge acquisition

In the learning process, personal meanings are constructed from content. This requires the ability to grasp wider concepts and make broader connections between topics.

In universities of applied sciences, skills acquisition and evidence-based practice are emphasised.

Learning as knowledge creation

Knowledge creation is an integral part of dialogue-based transformative pedagogy. It refers to knowledge creation practices that are valued in academic and working life contexts, such as the development of shared products, working practices and models.

Key aspects include co-development, building on prior knowledge, and the creation of innovative expert communities.

Transformative capacity

Our graduates are able to face changes and transformation by drawing on their personal and educational strengths. By emphasising processes around skills and knowledge we can enable and improve students’ engagement and participation.

The sense of participation improves when learners are able to examine their own views on humanity and the world and their relationship with the surrounding environment. The pedagogy should facilitate the development of transformative capacity.

Further information

The curriculum provides a general overview of the programme in question. Check the current curricula from the General Information for Students page.

In practice, the workplace focus of studies is delivered through participatory research-based development.

Blended learning combines contact sessions with distance learning. Read more about the modes of study available at Diak.