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O’Diako is a student union for everyone

O’Diako is the student union for all students at Diak, regardless of the campus and degree. Students of the Open UAS can also become members of O’Diako.

The student union is active in the day-to-day life of Diak students. For example, O’Diako is in charge of tutoring at every campus and promotes the enhancing of student well-being. It is always there for students if they need help or support whilst taking care of their rights.

Moreover, O’Diako organises many kinds of events and sports opportunities and provides benefits, such as better prices for products and event tickets.

The highest authority in O’Diako is the council, which is chosen in an election. The O’Diako board is responsible for practical student activities and thus all student activity at Kalasatama campus as well. At other campuses, student activities are arranged by the local branches.

Become a member of O’Diako and you will become part of a unique community in a warm-hearted student union!

Contact us

O’Diako’s website
O’Diako on Facebook
O’Diako on Instagram

Sanja Laitinen-Lindelöf
chairperson of the board