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External Support for Studying and Well-being Beyond Diak

In addition to the services provided by Diak, there are other places where you can find support for your studying and well-being. Here are some links to the websites of other service providers:

  • Nyyti ry promotes students’ mental health and ability to study offering information, support, and activities for promoting mental health and coping with challenges. Services include tests, chat, groups, peer groups and help for loneliness.
  • Mielenterveystalo, Mental Health House offers self-care programs for managing symptoms, life situations, and mental well-being. Self-care programs are comprehensive sets developed by experts to provide support for your situation. With self-care programs, you can improve your well-being when you have concerns about your mental health.
  • Mieli ry, Mental Health Finland, is to promote mental health and prevent problems by strengthening the mental well-being of all levels of society and in all spheres of life.
  • Mieli ry operates a Crisis Helpline that offers confidential support during times of crisis. The helpline is available 24/7 in both Finnish and English. You can call anonymously and confidentially at 09 2525 0116.
  • YTHS, FSHS – Finnish Student Health Service provides general health and mental health services to students. You can contact their national service number: 046 710 1073.