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Support services in Helsinki

Student counsellor

You can contact your local student counsellor in crises, mental health and emotional well-being matters. She can discuss with you and determine any further support needs you may have.

Special education teacher

The special education teacher can help in situations where learning is difficult. If you have a diagnosed learning difficulty, illness or injury that hampers your ability to study, or you suspect that you might have a learning disability, we can find out suitable ways for you to study despite the challenges. ​Contact your local special education teacher.

Laura Manninen,, +358 50 408 3655

If you have been diagnosed with a learning difficulty, illness or injury, you may receive individual study arrangements. Please contact your study guidance counsellor or your special education teacher.

Student deacon

You can contact student deacon in  matters related to your life situation (e.g. economy, housing, relationships, loneliness, grief, crisis or spiritual matters). You can also get help and councelling to find the services for your situation. Your religious or non religious convictions are respected. Deacon has a bachelor’s degree in social services and diaconia. Meetings available face to face or by phone. All discussons are confidental.

Student, contact us!

Would you like to discuss matters concerning your wellbeing and carrying on with your life and studies? With this contact form you can ask for personal contact with student support services in Diak. All information you send is handled confidentially. The form is for Diak students.

Do note that the contact form is closed during summer time from 30 June to 8th of August.

Workshops supporting learning

Students have the possibility to attend various workshops and groups supporting learning. The workshops are free of charge. Click the headlines!

Workshop for information searching

Support for information searching is available at the library in Helsinki. If you need assistance with information searching, please contact the library.


Workshop for undone school work

The last guidance session of the semester by Study Guidance Counselor and Responsible Teacher includes missing assignments workshop.

Contact information

Questions? Contact the DSS/NUR team!

Thesis support

Are you behind on your thesis work? Do you need help to get or make progress? Our thesis support service is here to help!

You can attend the workshops remotely or in person at our Helsinki campus. See you there!



Other support services