What is the employment situation of Diak graduates five years after graduation? Does the knowledge gained from the studies carry over into working life? Read more
The COVID19 pandemic is turning into an endemic, which means that the virus is occurring all over the world in seasonally recurring and variable epidemics. The coronavirus is still abundant, but according to Diak’s estimate, it will only have a slight impact on the autumn’s operations.
Helsinki campus was filled with an international atmosphere in May as an intensive week, as part of Digital Competence BIP (Blended Intensive Programme), was Read more
Diaconal nursing holistically promotes health and welfare, while bolstering hope and a person’s resources. This publication describes the theory of diaconal nursing and the practice of Finnish diaconal nursing in healthcare and the church’s work.
We are looking for alumni mentors for Diak’s students. In the mentoring programme, alumnus is mentoring a student by guiding them towards graduation and working life.
The global political situation has caused anxiety and concern among students. At Diaconia University of Applied Sciences, everyday life is also safeguarded in the midst of the crisis by actively providing students with support services.
Due to the construction work next to the campus, the doors at the southern wall, meaning the main door, the A-corridor door and the door next to the Chapel will be temporarily closed starting Tuesday 18 January for approximately 3 months. This will also cause other changes on the campus premises.
Diak’s corona working group has decided that the teaching and exams planned to be executed on campuses will be moved widely online in January.
Joint application to higher education degree programmes starts on 5 and ends on 19 January 2022 at 3pm Finnish time.
Diak is prepared in advance for the worsening coronavirus situation, and much of the teaching at the beginning of the year has been transferred to distance education in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education and Culture. Only essential contact teaching takes place on campuses.